Today Olivia turns 25. That makes it 23 birthdays I've celebrated with her. Consistently on Olivia's birthdays growing up there would be a snow storm and the power would go out and none of her friends would be able to come and the party would be cancelled. This was almost expected by the time she ceased having birthday parties, around 13. So, I don't know why we expected it to be any different when she had her big 25th Quarter Life Crisis Soiree. But it wasn't. And just like all those years of cancelled birthdays, or only one guest showing up, or like one awful year, a mother getting into a car accident on the way to pick her daughter up, Olivia never complained, never got upset, never whined "WHY ME, WHY ME" like some other sisters (Leos, me) would have done. Everyone got there, with the help of Luis and Eric. And everyone had a lovely time with our beautiful birthday girl.

Happy Birthday to the best co-owner, operator, friend, professional "you don't look fat"-er, and sister. Maybe one year you can have a party people can actually make it to!

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