So, I'm doin' it, kids, I am sportin' the headband with the bow to work. I figure, what better a time to wear a headband with a bow than on your birthday, right? Headband is the Everyday Bow Headband from Forever21 (headband is $1.50!!) and the earrings are from the Round Rhinestone Stud Set (I love fake diamonds). I can't get enough headbands lately, I don't know what's wrong with me. I got three beautiful new headbands from a friend and Lovely reader for my birthday--can't wait to wear them in the Spring! I apologize for the "lack of sleep" look in my was a long weekend! (Ring is a gift from Eric from when we started dating. It's a posey ring (which I love) that he bought on our trip to Williamsburg, VA. The ring says, "Vous et nul autre" which is French for "you and no other." I can't find it on the Williamsburg Marketplace site, but the same ring is here.)

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