As of yesterday, it is a month until my birthday. Exciting for sure, but this year I'm actually having a party and need something fantastic to wear. The theme of the party is "Old Fashioned-Victorian-Carnival-ish" so I wanted something evocative of the Old-Timey theme. However, when I went to search "Birthday Girl Dress" online, just to see what was out there, I didn't find much under the heading. We, here at Lovely, realized Birthday Girls need the perfect dress, and sometimes they need someone to help them find it! A Birthday Girl Dress (BGD) is special because it has to reflect not only the mood of the party, but the personality of the Birthday Girl!

We're going to be helping all you Lovelies along with the BGD hunt by bringing you dresses, outfits, event ideas, and more based on your zodiac sign. The Pisces month starts this weekend, so in order to give you all enough time to purchase the perfect dress, we'll be scouring the Internet for the perfect dresses for you waterbound born babies and giving you dress options for all your February and March birthdays! Don't worry, Aries lovelies, you're next!

Pisces, the sign of the two fish swimming in different directions, falls between February 19th and March 20th. It is supposedly the oldest Zodiac sign and the worldly corresponding element is, of course, water. Therefore, the birthstone of those born under Pisces is aquamarine and the colors associated with Pisces people are pale greens, aquas, and turquoise; as well as any and all "dreamy colors of the sea" (all my Astrology references are from The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need--and it is! I love this book.) See, even I, a Pisces to the core, have an aqua dress I love--it even has pockets! This was from Macy's which my amazing seamstress of a grandmother added cross backed straps to! I wore this to an auction event and felt beautiful in it the whole time.

According to The Astrology Book, the cities associated with Pisces are Casablanca, Alexandria, Lisbon, Seville, and Dublin; the flowers which match up with Pisces are Water Lilies, White Poppies, and Jonquil; and the Pisces trees are Fig and Willow. We're going to use all of this new information and cool associations to bring you Pisces born babies the best Birthday Girl Dress options for your spectacular parties! Aren't having a party? Treat yourself to a new dress, anyway! We'll be posting a wide variety of pricepoints, ideas, and fun Pisces facts in the next month. Oh, and we're not forgetting that the Pisces precious metal is Platinum, so don't fret, we'll be reminding all your loved ones of the best Platinum pieces for all your Piscean parties!

Stay tuned for the first dress tomorrow...!

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