I can see from our reader numbers that a lot of you are still without power. And to that I say, poor little dear hearts- I'm so sorry. I headed into Brooklyn this afternoon on an inconvenient train, but it seemed time to see my man and it seemed more than time to have a nice hot shower. Olivia and I holed up at Mother Lovely's for a few days. She brought Eric and Eric brought guitars, banjos and mandolins. These served us well as my wonderful brother-in-law would play while my sister sang. It was nice to have some quiet, focused family bonding time. I can't remember the last time we spent that much time together. And I know it's been more than 2 years since Olivia and I have brushed our teeth together in our childhood bathroom. And it's been a long time since we stayed up until 4 am chatting. That part was lovely. Stepfather Lovely made breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee on a Gasone Butane burner and Olivia and I shared dish duty. That part was also lovely. 

The part that was not lovely was the waiting. The waiting and waiting for some word on some thing to happen. The wire across the street preventing us from leaving was not lovely. The lack of phone and electricity was not lovely. The lack of cell service was not lovely. But we make do. And sometimes we get frustrated and throw little fits. But we make do. Sometimes with some chocolate. 

This was at the point where Eric and I kept saying "Well, it doesn't look that bad." Boy were we wrong.
Our baby monkey dog.
Yes, about that.
That is our street- that's the exit. Blocked by a tree.

sandy survival

1. Gasone Butane Burner and Butane Canisters. These things- Mother Lovely purchased them after Hurricane Irene and felt sort of silly doing so...she figured we'd never use them! But the burner and butane are amazing. One can for a day would make breakfast, lunch, dinner and lots and lots of coffee and tea for five people. So worth it.

2.  Vintage All Eyes on Brew Mug. Have a distinctive mug. You will know which ones yours and won't use dishes when all the washing has to be hand done in freezing cold water.

3. Topshop zip up hoody / Fleece jacket / Old Navy / UGG Australia sheepskin shoes Warm clothes.  I wore the same warm clothes for four days. Shut up. It was cozy and not worth it to be wasting clean clothes when I couldn't even leave my street. The house was cold so I layered up and I know what people say about Uggs, but these babies are soft slippers you never want to take off.

4. NOOK Simple Touch. Reading, duh.

5. Black Diamond Storm Headlamp. This was a gift from Mother Lovely after I fell in love with the one she gifted Stepfather Lovely a few months previous. I wore it all the time. I never took it off. 

6. Radio. Emergency solar powered hand crank AM/FM radio with flashlight. Our's didn't have a cell phone charger but this one days. Out of this world cool- and when we were so cut off form the world it was beyond nice to have some news coming in.

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