Last year right before my birthday (when I turned 24) Andrey and I were shopping when I dragged him into the Sunglass Hut to try on the Rayban New Wayfarers for the thousandth time. I had already stolen Andrey's Raybans for the afternoon and cooed over the pairs in the cases. Andrey offered me a deal: he would buy me the Wayfarers right then or I could wait to see what my birthday gift was (door number 2, the surprise). I gleefully decided on door number 2 and continued wearing his sunglasses whenever he wasn't driving or looking dashingly handsome in them. 

A year passed and it was my birthday again. Andrey and I sat in the car after picking up my fancy birthday meal (Greek food!) and he said he couldn't wait to give me my present. A pair of Wayfarers all for myself. Mine, mine, mine. I loved them so much, I wore them everywhere. They covered my watering eyes when I visited Father Lovely in the ICU.

And then driving to work one day I realized I hadn't seen my sunglasses in 2 days. I remembered putting them in my bag getting off the subway on a Saturday and it was now Monday and who knows where they went. The weirdest and worst part was I lost them in their case- someone has a perfectly new, fresh, gorgeous pair of Wayfarers in the case. I was distraught. I felt irresponsible and silly for caring so much. But they were a gift, and they meant a lot to me. I felt guilty for losing the sweet gift from Andrey. When I called him (cough, hysterically crying, cough) he laughed at me and said "Well, we'll just have to get you a new pair."

We discussed ordering a new pair and I insisted that it was NOT Andrey's job to replace things I'd lost. And then those people stole our domain and I was just overwhelmed about my new habit of losing things. I don't know what prompted him, but the other night after getting home there was a package waiting for me. Andrey watched as I opened up my new replacement Wayfarers. Yes, I certainly cried. I wore them today on my way home from the gym- I am so grateful for so many things. For my sweet boyfriend who just wants to see me happy, for my healthy dad, for my body which let's me work out and drive and wear cool sunglasses. 

And it's for all these reasons that I invested in the BRIGHTEST, BIGGEST sunglasses case I could find. So thanks Vera Bradley.

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