Welcome back to Cohabitable – as you may have noticed I took off for the holidays. They were, by the way, insane, but more about that at a different time, this post is about the future, lovelies, the future of my apartment.

2012 is a new chapter for me. In this spirit, I am willing to make an admission to you readers: I am about one expired can of grape juice away from being classified as a hoarder. I have been known to get weepy giving away old stuffed animals. I once asked Dan if he thought my old toys in the basement felt sad that no one way playing with them. By the way, I totally blame Toy Story for all of this.

I have trouble throwing out papers and packets from undergrad and graduate school because “I MIGHT NEED THESE NOTES SOMEDAY!” I literally cannot get rid of books, especially hardcover books much to everyone-who-has-ever-helped-me-move‘s chagrin. Sigh.

I have massive amounts of clothes, shoes, coats, bags, bathing suits, tote bags, sunglasses, etc. etc. Each and every time I try to clean out my closet I find myself saying “oh that might come back in style, I should keep this” or “I’m going to lose weight and these pants are going to be the inspiration”. Guess what? These scenarios have literally never happened. Ever.

I recognize my problem, and I am sharing it with you. I reached a pretty absurd level over here. This is what a room in my apartment currently looks like:

Jesus take the wheel.

Thankfully there is a door on this room so I don’t have to look at it too much. But seriously, that should be Dan’s office/music room, but my life has basically thrown up all over it and rendered the space utterly useless. I’m not proud of myself.

To be fair I’m not actually a slob, I’ve just been trying for 2+ years to fit a house’s worth of items into a one-bedroom apartment. This year I will finally give up and realize that my parent’s house is in fact much, much larger than anything I will be living in for the next 5 to 10 years. It’s going to be hard.

I am going to have to give up some of favorites pieces of furniture to open up some more space, including my desk. My mom is awesome (duh!) and has agreed to let me continue to store everything I cannot fit in my place at my parent’s house in Mendham, NJ. My dad doesn’t really know this yet so don’t tell him. He’ll be very vaklempt.

And yes I’ll be tackling the office/closet catastrophe above. I don’t want to live like this anymore.

There will be growing pains, lots of crying, maybe some yelling, copious cups of coffee and many, many trash bags full of donations.
Sprucing up the living quarters should be a group excursion, so to that end I’m going to leave y’all with this fabulous list of tricks and ideas for making life easier and neater - 25 clever ideas to make life easier.

See ya next week – picture updates will be included!


  1. Love this post! Our office was almost to the point of your spare room, and we have completely tackled it since the start of the year. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Laur -- glad to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel :)

  3. I completely understand your plight. If my parents weren't also so graciously allowing me to keep a lot of my stuff at their place (then again, I'm there half the time anyway), my apartment would probably look like yours. Like you, I hate throwing things out! I am actually considering selling some stuff on E-bay.

  4. EBay is definitely an option. I've done that for some nicer items but the whole thing is kind of an ordeal. If you have some nice coats and clothes it's totally worth taking pictures and listing.

    For CDs, books and DVDs I use half.com which is another eBay site which allows you to list with the UPC or isbn of an item -- much easier!

  5. I'm also thinking of selling some stuff...maybe we should all have an online yard sale. However, we'd buy each other's things and that would defeat the purpose? ha!

  6. Ohhh Liv I actually kind of LOVE that idea -- an internet yard sale/stuff swap? I'll start the tumblr! ;)

  7. You totally know me. I was already thinking of doing a tumblr...so bad, so bad!

  8. Well for the record, I totally endorse this nascent idea. Seriously, I just want stuff outta my place. I'd only be asking for shipping/handling from buyers haha!

  9. I think that's a great idea! I think your blog is well-read enough to get potential buyers (other than ourselves, ha).

  10. Liv... I think the people have spoken!

  11. Let's get on it...we need a good name, it's all about the name! Can we have multiple blog "owners" on tumblr, so we can ALL post things? Dude, if anyone pays for shipping I'm willing to GIVE some of this crap away.

  12. If you click on the "+" in the toolbar you can create a new blog within your Tumblr and then you can invite additional bloggers.

  13. @ Olivia: I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. I don't want any profit, I just want to make sure my things get a good home! (Do you want to start a tumblr as per Steph's suggestion or should I? We can discuss names before we decide obvi)

    @Steph: You are a tumblr prophet. Thank you.
