Good evening, lovelies. I wish I could post smells here...I currently have dinner in the crockpot and it smells absolutely amazing in here. I'm making London broil with onions and apples, rice, and a giant salad. Yum. Can't wait for Eric to be home so we can eat! Anyway, I just wanted to share something pretty cool with you all. I was looking around online for birthday presents for Eric's amazingly wonderful sister and decided, "Hey, why not look at good ol' Barnes&Noble?" They have quick shipping and are a classic, reliable website. I usually do use Amazon, but sometimes the largeness of Amazon can be overwhelming. I just wanted a great gift find, but I didn't know what I was even looking for. Then I stumbled upon this: Barnes and Noble Home! Did you know they sold all sorts of home goodies? There's more: Food&Gourmet gifts! They also have a cool furniture section, as well as a whole "gift giving" category. I'll definitely be using Barnes&Noble more now...I love that they are expanding in such classy ways! (Also, they have free shipping on orders over $25!)

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