So, I've been busy looking for venues for a party I'm working on all morning, calling managers and discussing prices. But then Olivia said "Did you post yet?" while standing over the omelet she's making me, and I felt that was a passive aggressive way of saying "POST, Party-Planning-Girl, Post!" More to come later, on pitchers...would you ever have guessed? For now, enjoy this shot of me from this morning.

I'm wondering, any suggestions of great restaurants that should host this party in Manhattan? What are your loveliest Manhattan suggestions? I'm looking at Beacon, Jo's (whose manager I just accidentally called on his personal cell phone! Oops! It was the number posted for private events!), Cafe 50 West (where the Chef/GM invited me in for drinks so we could discuss the party!) and L'Artusi (I'm a fan of the other venture from these young men, Dell Anima).

Any opinions on these places? I'd love to know!

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