So, Eric and I are on this kick to redecorate everything in a more "cottage-look." I love bright and sunny rooms, so I'm all on board for the more antiqued white look. Our current coffee table, which we got for $15 (hello, floor sample!) at The Christmas Trees Shop is not going to be coming with us to the next house, so we're on the hunt for a coffee table which would fit this new design aesthetic. When I came across the coffee table in the picture, not only did I get excited because I loved the look of it, but it's a DIY/DIT/HYFDI (have your fiance do it?) project. I love the project because they take an already made, simple coffee table, paint it, add some embellishments, and voila, brand new cottage style coffee table! They also have other coffee tables on the DIY site--all based after one simple table which you can buy unfinished. This project looks easy and totally doable!