Happy Monday, Lovelies! Is it me or does it seem like everyone and their girlfriend is having a baby this month? In just this last week I've heard of three babies being born (what was going on nine months ago?!). With this baby explosion in mind, today's Etsy Find of the Day is dedicated to finding a great present for all these new babies. Presents for new babies can be difficult to obtain because some parents can be picky about what comes into the house, babies change sizes practically by the day, and you want to get them something original, something that the baby will wear/use and the parents will think of your relationship with the babe. As I was looking through pictures of a new baby on Facebook (yes, on Facebook) I couldn't help but oooh and awe at the pictures of the baby in a teeny-tiny hat. For babies, hats aren't just a fashion trend, but a necessary item; hats keep babies' little heads warm, keeping their temperature healthy and strong. But, as the amazing Dorothy Parker said, "Take care of the luxuries and the necessities will take care of themselves," therefore, why not dress the baby in style, all the while keeping them cozy?

After scouring for "baby hats" on Etsy for probably way too long today, I came across Belle Baby, a truly lovely baby hat and clothing shop which features the most adorable of items. The hat that I fell in love with for a new baby girl is the Baby Girl Crochet Beanie Hat With Bow. It's feminine, pink, and totally and utterly sums up the word "cute." I adore the little bow; I think it adds some true flapper style to the hat! This is a perfect present for a little girl who's mommy and daddy think she's a little princess; no one will every mistake your bald baby for a little boy in this sweet little hat!

The hat that I loved for all the new little boy babies born recently is the Baby Boy Crochet Beanie Hat in Brown/Tan/Green. This preppy little cap will look handsome on your little man and cause quite the stir on the playground. The green, tan, and brown tones are sure to bring out the color in any baby boy's eyes, causing them to sparkle in ways you never knew possible.

What's your go to gift for the new babies in your life?

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