Lovelies, I love when life works out in funny ways and you meet people on your journey whom inspire you; take for example, Kerry Hotine. Kerry is a mom to five kids, with two sets of twins, and runs her own business, Bows For Your Bellas. We've posted about Bows for Your Bellas before, and I am so excited to have Kerry "back" today! 

A day in the life of Kerry, mother of 5, with 2 sets of twins ages 7, 6 and 4

Nov 5, 2014

7am: Which is the time I let myself get out of bed, I grab a cup of coffee and I sneak about ½ hour of computer work in while my kids slowly come down from bed, they are either watching TV to wake up or they are starting to get themselves dressed.

7:30: The kids are now asking for breakfast (the ones who have not eaten) or that would like something hot (oatmeal or pancakes); for the most part my guys can get what they want, cereal, muffins etc.

7:45 am: I start making 4 snacks for school and 3 lunches for my elementary school kids. One of my 4 yr olds is home sick today with the stomach bug, so she will be on the couch for the day with me!

8:15: I am finishing up the snacks and lunches (3 kids want 3 different things of course)! And now I come to realize that they have not finished their homework from the day before, so as I am finishing lunches I am now helping finish up homework.

8:45: Time to get my self-dressed before we need to get out the door for bus and preschool.

9:00 am: Last call for hair and teeth, coats back packs and we all pile into the car, even my sick little one.

9:10: The bus gets the 3 older, then I race to preschool which started at 9am, and drop off Julia while Emily comes with me.

9:20: I grab a quick coffee at Starbucks and a hot chocolate for Emily, even though I know I should not since she has had the stomach bug for the past 2 days! Then we are off to Jefferson school to make copies for a fundraiser that I am in charge of!

10:05: We finally leave Jefferson from making copies and then distributing out to all of the teachers, so that each child gets a copy in their back pack to bring home to their parents.

10:15 am: I start to do some laundry, put some groceries away from yesterday that never made its way into the cabinets, finish up the morning dishes that are in the sink and need to get into the dish washer.

10:45 – I get on the computer to do some Bows For Your Bellas work, Jefferson PTA and then some United Methodist Preschool work because I have a board meeting tonight with the school that I need to run, since I am the chair person for my girls' last year of preschool. This is consisting of emails, agenda, phone calls, getting my volunteers for my fundraiser for the following week.

Noon: Emily is asking for soup, so I make that for her, I also make my own lunch while I am at it and we sit together!

12:30: Emily and I make our way to the car because I have to make a few deliveries of bows before we pick up Julia from preschool at 1pm.

1:15: Now home with Julia I make her lunch, then clean up from all of our lunches and the I finally make my way into the shower.

2:00pm: I shower (only because I have that board meeting tonight).

2:30 – I take some time out to be with the girls, read and they decide they want to play in the snow! Yes, even though there is no snow, they are so ready! Here is a great picture of them in the snow suits!

3:15: We head back up to Jefferson school because I need to meet someone and drop a check to them for the PTA, while I am there I pick up my older 3, which I normally do not do, they do take the bus every day, unless something comes up. From there we run to R&S Butcher in Southdown to pick up meat for tonight and tomorrow night’s dinner.

4pm: We are home, the kids unpack their back packs, have a snack and onto homework. For the 3 of them homework usually lasts about an hour or so…

5:20: I start prepping and getting ready for dinner (a little earlier tonight due to my 7pm board meeting).

6:15: We are all sitting down having dinner together, the kids all come together and help set the table and help get the food on the table.

6:55: My husband gets home and I walk out the door so that I can make my meeting.

8:20: I arrive home and of course the kids are waiting for me, so I now put them down to bed, read a few stories and tuck them in.

Wow! It is now about 8:45 and I am wiped! I get myself into my PJ’s, get a glass of wine and go into the living room to talk to my husband only to find that he is asleep from his long day at work! So I drink my wine, watch a funny show and get myself to bed around 9:30

On to another day tomorrow!!

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