Some pictures from the happenings of the last few months!
I met Santa Claus! At Costco! His real name is Santa Claus- legally I mean.
They did a news segment on his later! Look!
Andrey and I went to see Louie CK at The New York City Center. Obviously it was a great night.
Halloween! Remember how I kept saying "Girls can be anything" and "BE PSY FOR HALLOWEEN" and "I want to be Indiana Jones for Halloween!" and "blah blah blah feminism"? Yes?! Well I WAS Indiana Jones for Halloween and I have a whole other post I want to write about my experience of that.
We voted! It was actually lovely, due to the hurricane Olivia and Eric were staying at the house and me, Olivia, Eric and Mother Lovely all got to go vote together. Olivia and I watched the results come in together until late at night and it wasn't planned but I couldn't imagine it any other way.
Our baby tree with the Gingerbread train.
Christmas at our house.
A great drawing of a macaque a student drew me.