Like I said, one of the simple pleasures in life is getting book recommendations from friends! 

Today we bring you some book recommendations from our blogger buddies: 
(I'm so excited about this post!)

Laura, from the ever delicious Sweet Life ala Carte recommends: 
  • Once Upon a Secret - read this on my flight east in May and couldn't put it down, I finished before we landed! 
  • Summer Sisters - my favorite summer read, I've read it at least 15 times!
  • Unbroken - listened to this in the car with Tim on a long trip and we both loved it 
  • The Wedding Book - I consult this weekly, it's an amazingly comprehensive guide to all things wedding! 
  • Power Foods - One of my most-used cookbooks, from the editors of Whole Living magazine. I gave a copy to my best friend and her husband and we all love it! It has a great section at the beginning that explains all about why their top ingredients are so healthy for your body. 
And on my to-read list: At Home - My mom and Tim have both been raving about this book for years! 

Others that might be overdone but I loved them: Wicked, Water for Elephants, The Great Gatsby (especially because of the movie!)

Erin Zammett Ruddy, from the ever hilarious Mom Without a Filter (where you can check out her summer reading list!), and author of another fantastic and inspiring read, My (So-Called) Normal Life, recommends: 
Christine Coppa, of Babble's Kid Scoop, and author of the heartbreakingly honest bestseller Rattled! (which I own, read, and loved!), recommends: 
Melanie, from the ever insightful PsySociety, recommends: 
Cleo, from the ever hilarous Oops Sorry, recommends: 
Jordan, from the ever classy Ramshackle Glam recommends: 
Sami, from the ever adorable Best Day of My Life, recommends: 
  • My Life in France by Julia Child is probably one of my all time favorite books. The book chronicles Julia's life starting with her move to France with her husband Paul when she was 36 years old. Since it's mostly an autobiography you get a really special look into her experiences, she begins "This is a book about some of the things I have loved most in life...". The story isn't just about cooking and Julia's career, she shares a lot about relationships, and love, and family, and just about being a woman in the world - and the adorable photos of her and Paul just put it over the top : )
Meggy, from the ever stylish Chasing Davies, recommends:
Lauren, from the ever honest Better in Real Life, recommends:
Our beautiful and talented cousin, Kate, recommends:
  • The Name of the Wind, and it's sequel Wise Man's Fear, Patrick Rothfuss; Kate says, they're long, wonderfully told and exciting, all about how a hero becomes a hero. But they are summer reading since they're long and they totally pull you in. And they have heroic men doing gallant, awesome things for awesome, strong women.
And of course, Ms. Ali, our very own Cohabitable writer (and blogger behind Push Bar to Open) recommends: 


  1. Yes! Summer Sisters made the list twice! It is seriously the BEST summer book of all time.

  2. Yayyy for books! Please let me know if I can contribute to a book recommendation list sometime. I love to read!


  3. Wow! Looks like I'm going to HAVE to read Summer Sisters! It's one of those books I picked up at a yard sale years ago and it's been staring at me on the shelf forever. Now that I hear it's so good I'll finally have to give it a try.
