Happy post-Memorial Day Tuesday Lovelies. Are you as sad as I am that the long weekend is over? I woke up very sad (and sweaty if you care to know) this morning that I had to get up and put clothes on. But I’ve been gone from the blog-o-sphere for a verrrrrry long time so if nothing else, I’m glad to be back writing! May was more or less a blur of parties and trips (pleasure and business), which means I was away from my apartment more than I would have liked. I’m normally a total homebody, but I was dragged kicking and screaming away from Hoboken for a majority of the month! My baby brother graduated from college this month and I attended my first grown-up-oh-my-gosh-my-friend’s-are-getting-hitched wedding. Needless to say there were lots of tears and food at both events. After many years of my brother going to school right next to Gettysburg, PA, I finally got a chance to visit the mecca of Civil War enthusiast. Naturally, I poked a little fun at the whole thing…
A pink rifle, really? As a history major, this is a major no-no. Well the color and the fact that toy guns even exist... The next weekend we headed down to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for one of Dan’s friend’s weddings. There was a tropical storm out at sea, but I found that the overcast stormy weather made the ceremony and party all the more romantic. While waves were crashing all around us, the small wedding and the bride and groom were cozy inside a gorgeous pier house. I never thought I’d like a beach wedding, but I had a blast at this one!
This past weekend I thought I would return to my hermit like ways, but alas, it was Memorial Day – and we seriously lucked out! Weather reports in the NYC metro area had thunderstorms listed all weekend, but the forecast ended up not affecting a single outing! I was especially psyched about this because I had plans on the Saturday for a beer tasting cruise. It was amazing. We left from Pier 17 at the South Street Seaport and sampled six craft beers from Upstate. The weather was gorgeous. I highly recommend tours by Manhattan by Sail – their clipper is one of the most beautiful boats on the water.
Happy unofficial start of the summer everyone! At least we have a short week ;)
Wedding location = very pretty! but I'm a little dissapointed you didn't bring home a pink confederate cap. just saying.