You know those moments in life when you were really, really excited about something and then whatever it was occurs and it falls flat on it's face and doesn't live up to what it should have been? That pretty much sums up my feelings about Target's new line of Liberty of London clothing. Let me backtrack here: I love Liberty of London. Growing up, it was practically all we wore. My grandmother sewed us dresses upon dresses of the gorgeous material. So, when I saw that Liberty was coming to the masses at Target, I literally fell out of my seat (ask Eric, I really did). I couldn't wait to buy new dresses, bags, whatever...I was out of my mind excited. To me, Liberty represents beauty, my childhood, class, and tradition. However, I just think Target missed the mark on this one. Like I said, Liberty is tea parties, white gloves, and pastel pumps; it's sunny days, and sweet cardigans, and Springtime. Here's my issues with this new line: the prints are outdated...they look retro, instead of traditional and classic. I'm not even feeling that they are Liberty as much as Old Navy circa 1994. And the styles of the dresses...oh, man. All I get is "blah" from them. They are baggy, unflattering, poorly designed, and simply, in my opinion, sort of cheesy.

What this line should have consisted of is dresses in styles and cuts such as The Kellie Eyelet Dress, or the Nadine Eyelet Dress, or the Madeline Dress, or even the Livia Floral Dress (all Delias). These are form-fitting, classic, sexy and adorable dresses. They could all easily be made out of Liberty material and still look fantastic. When it comes down to it, when one thinks of Liberty, they think "pretty" and the Target dresses are simply not that. They're boring. The whole line from Liberty at Target wasn't done correctly, it feels like everything was made as an afterthought. What do you think, lovelies? Would you buy any of these Liberty dresses? Have you? Do share!


  1. They look like they'd fit logs very nicely... LOGS! Logs or shapeless ladies.... old ladies...

  2. Ewa--So nice to see you here! My thoughts exactly...a log wouldn't even look feminine in these! Thanks for stopping by! ox

  3. I haven't tried on the dresses so I haven't much to say about the fit (my thicker, curvy frame usually makes most dresses awesome.. not to be too conceited, all pants are horrible on me so i just love dresses) but I plan on trying a few when my next paycheck comes in.

    But I must respectfully disagree on some of the prints. There are a few I really enjoy. Sure, others are seeming pretty 10-15 years-ago Old Navy, but I really do like some.

    I will return to confirm or deny my theory on these dresses looking better on real woman than they do on the log-shaped--nay, twig-shaped--bodies these models have.

  4. Anon--We would LOVE for you to tell us what you think once you try these. I do admit, I haven't tried them on yet, so my judgment was hasty, but I'd love to know what you think! Thanks for stopping by Lovely! ox

  5. haha so funny to see this! I bought the black one with the white flower outline on it yesterday. It's not the best dress *ever* but it is light and cute and I think it will be perfect for work in the summer (or um this week here in California). I agree, though, that I didn't like anything else I saw from the line.
