When I saw this pitcher I leaned over to Luis and said "Doesn't this pitcher look just like a hummingbird?" For once he agreed. I had to laugh when I was creeping Dennis Meiners' Etsy Shop, and noticed a mention in the profile that Dennis and his wife "Leslie Lee...have spent most of the last two decades building an adobe studio and strawbale house which [they] call HUMMINGBIRD." I mean, what are the chances?

I just love, love this unusual piece. It's so proud-- it looks like it's playing the trumpet, shoulders back, face to the sun. I really see a proud stature in this pitcher. This is another prime example of a piece of art work posing as a kitchen utensil. Art is a difficult investment for the 20something set, often, it's hard to spend a nice amount of cash on something you cannot use, which might not grow in value. And sure, an expensive pitcher is still an expensive something, but you can use it. It can move easily with you, and serve your needs throughout your lifetime together. Yes, your lifetime with your pitcher-- you don't develop relationships with ceramics? Stop looking at me like that.

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