Remember how Olivia is having a turn of the century Coney Island birthday party? Right, well I'm off to Scotland in a few days for two weeks- and upon my return am thrown right into grocery shopping, food preparation and decorating. All with jetlag. For this reason I'm trying to get my costume-outfit out of the way now. I'm a big fan of costumes that read as outfits, and outfits that read as subtle costumes. This is why I turned to Forever21 to recreate some of these beautiful looks.

(All pictures courtesy of the New York Public Library Digital Gallery)

I think stripes, gold buttons and a feathered head piece are in order. I also love the knee socks and little flats (sometimes legit ballet slippers!) they wore to the beach.

Sailors Life for Me Dress; Tight Rope Sweater Dress; Casual Striped Dress.

Your turn, lovelies. What would you wear to a Coney Island at the turn of the century themed party? Show me, tell me! I can't wait to hear.

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