I have been converted to an interested viewer in the Snowboarding competitions in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. Did you know they were going on? I almost didn't. Anyway, Luis and I had a long conversation about the outfits designed by Ralph Lauren for Team USA's snowboarders. Luis did not appreciate the Americana-ness of the faux-denim pants and the plaid faux-flannel windbreakers and jackets. He thought it looked too casual, a bit cheesey and didn't properly represent the culture of Team USA's snowboarders.

I, on the other hand, was fascinated. Those aren't jeans! But they look like jeans! How do they do that? I want to do that! They aren't jeans but they look like jeans, do you realize how cool this is? (He sort of did).

I love things that look like other things. Show me a cupcake that looks like a hamburger or leggings that look like jeans and I'm sold (ah, literally--I have three pairs of denim leggings).

What do you think, dear readers? Cool, strange, cheesey or totally amazing innovation?


  1. I LOVE the jackets, and think the pants are cool, although I might have to agree they are pretty casual (it is snowboarding, after all).

  2. LOVE the fake snow jackets and jeans! I was kinda bummed to click on the link and find you did not tell me where to get them!

  3. Dara, we're trying to find where to get them, too! Believe me, I would live in those jeans if I had them...we'll let you know as soon as you find them! Thanks for the comment!

    North of 25A, you're right, they are casual, but it's an interesting style for snowboarding...athletic clothing is a cool venue to cool at for style! Thanks for the comment!

  4. Dara-- I looked into the Burton products and it seems that they have taken the stance that they will not be reproducing them for retail sale. What a bummer. I'm going to look into similar looks in fake flannel though. And denim pajamas and leggings are currently all the rage.. if there was only a way to make them water proof!
