Want to feel good today? Want to bring a smile to your man-why-is-it-only-Tuesday-sour-face? Of course you do! Go read this article about an 103 year old woman and her 97 year old husband who are celebrating 80 happy years of marriage together. Mitchell and Mattie Atkins were married in Jacksonville, Florida on Jan. 14, 1930. Mattie generously offers her marriage advice, "treat your husband like you want him to treat you and make sure you have two rolling pins - keep one on his head and the other to roll out the dough." It's a lovely little story to get us all in the right mood for Valentine's Day, don't you think?


  1. The man looks like he's in his 50's!! My-oh-my.. I LOVE them.

  2. Oh my, that brought a tear to MY eye as well!
