There are some people Olivia and I feel blessed to know, certain people who inspire you, who excite your soul, whose story you carry with you and share with others because you know it will change their lives too. Liza Talusan is one of these people. Liza is a mother, educator, speaker, activist, mentor, presenter, and writer. She has dealt with the cancer of her child, and is now facing her own surgery, a preventative bilateral prophylactic mastectomy. To prepare her body and mind for the surgery she is running a half marathon. Beyond all this she is a working mama of three and a doggie, and other half to the fabulous Jorge Vega: father, educator, writer, graphic novelist and twitterer extraordinaire.

Liza and her beautiful family!

I always knew Liza inspired me (since high school when she was our class advisor!) and impressed me with her seemingly unwavering strength, but I was really struck by this post on Marathon B4 Mastectomy, her blog chronicling her training for the half marathon. I was not only reminded of how much I respect Liza, but that someone working this hard deserves something special, a great treat.

And then I was reminded of You Bars, custom made granola bars. As you move along their process they update the nutrition information. You begin with a base, add protein powders, nuts or seeds, dried fruit or berries, sweetners, seasonings, grains or cereals and an infusion. And then you get to name the bars-- so that even the packaging is customized! The bars sound outrageously delicious, you can even chose the size of the bar, small (35 grams), medium (45 grams) and large (55 grams). Prices range from a bakers dozen for $37.57 for the smalls to $41.57 for larges.

It's a great gift for anyone you know who is working hard, training for a marathon, or just likes granola bars. As for Liza, I haven't decided if this is the gift of choice-- I sort of want to try my hand at home made granola bars! Any one got a good recipe?

Check Liza out on To Loosen The Mind, Marathon B4 Mastectomy and on occasion at Love Isn't Enough.

P.S. You Bars also offers customizable shake mix, trail mix, cereal and cookies! I could buy presents here for the rest of my life!

One Comment

  1. You ladies are amazing. Thanks for always being such a strong foundation of support. From beautiful quilts to inspiring messages, I absolutely love you gals!
