Happy Monday, Lovelies! I made a big decision this weekend- yes, I know you're probably very excited for me. I've come to the conclusion that I should be wearing hair combs more. I know, I know, don't be rash, don't put anything out there you can't take back. See I've been wearing my hair in a number of vaguely retro styles and I feel that combs would be a lovely different addition to my hairdrobe (that's a term I just made up for hair accessories).

I've been wearing my hair like this, pinned back on the smaller part side.

Like this, pinned back high on the bigger part side. This is the picture where I realize I am really a weird person and don't know how to make a normal face in a picture. The rest of the series includes some stranger faces, some "oh, I'm just looking off over there" faces, and a cookie cutter. Don't ask.
I haven't been wearing my hair like this, pinned back on the bigger part side (yes, that's a real term) but lower/further in the back, but I should start.And of course my trusty head band with swap out-able bows.

So, now I'm on the prowl for hair combs, decorative, preferable art deco. I'd love to see what you lovelies stumble across! As for me, I'll be on Etsy, searching!
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