Happy Friday, y'all! If you're stuck inside due to snow, or just relaxing, check out these interesting and lovely websites. I came across these from a variety of sources, and thought I'd share my great finds with you all. Consider it an early Valentine from me to you!

Check out the itsy bitsy and adorable houses (people live in these!) at Tumbleweed Houses.

I love, love, love the original paper goods from Modern Printed Matter!

Muse Jewelry Boutique shares a home with Modern Printed Matter, and features unique and gorgeous one-of-a-kind pieces.

Ever need to spend a few more dollars on Amazon to get the free shipping? This awesome website, Filler Item, tells you exactly what you can afford with those few extra dollars! I love this idea!

Eric and I have constant debates over how long food should last, but now with Still Tasty, we can input the food and it tells us just how long any particular food should last!

You know of any cool websites to share with us?!

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