Have you ever started compiling your list of Valentine's day recipients and realized you have quite a number of people you'd like to give special gifties to? And then you go to the pharmacy looking for affordable but special items to gift and realize there are none, because the chocolate is over priced and the bears are too cutesey and also, overpriced?

If you said yes, and I know you did, I've compiled a gift bag full of treats for you to give to your loved ones--for $2.72 each, gift bag included. For under $40, buy the whole of the treats to make a dozen gift bags. If $37, not including tax and shipping, is a bit more than you'd like to spend there's a lot of surprises in the bag and you can remove items to better fit your budget.

Valentine's Day Googly Eyed Bear Bags, $1.99 for a dozen, ¢.17 a piece.

Valentine's Day Tootsie Pops, $3.99 for 80, ¢.05 for one, and ¢.30 for 6 (the number I'd include in the gift bag)
Nestle's Crunch Hearts, $4.99 for 40 pieces, ¢.12 for one piece, and ¢.36 for 3 (the number I'd include in the gift bag)
Chocolate Lips, $3.99 for 33 pieces, ¢.12 for one piece, and ¢.24 for 2 (the number I'd include in the gift bag)
Valentine's Day Dipped Fortune Cookies, $7.99 for 25 cookies, ¢.32 each, and ¢.64 for 2 (the number I'd include in the gift bag)

Mini Smiley Face Heart Erasers, $2.99 for 144, ¢.02 each, and ¢.10 for 5 (the number I'd include in the gift bag-- yes, you will have a lot left over, but save them for next year!)
Heart Shaped Candy Bracelet Kit, $3.99 for a dozen, ¢.33 each (either make them for your friends, or leave them to make themselves, they're all individually packaged.)
Valentine's Day Disc Game (Connect Four, minus the trademark), $4.99 for a dozen, ¢.42 each.
Valentine Color Your Own Sticker Set, $1.97 for a dozen, ¢.16 each.

Now, Lovelies, that's a lot of presents for your dear ones, like I said, you can cut it down to fit your budget. If you just buy the Valentine's Day Googly Eyed Bear Bags, Valentine's Day Dipped Fortune Cookies, the Valentine Color Your Own Sticker Set, and the Chocolate Lips, you'd have a great gift set $15.94 for all the preparations and $1.21 for each bag. Enjoy mixing and matching your own set, and to put your own touch to the bags go explore the Valentine's Day sale section on Oriental Trading Company, they have some great deals!

I hope this inspires some of you, have a great weekend lovelies!

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