I watched Gigantic last night. It was a well done movie, I enjoyed watching it and would highly recommend (it's on Netflix instant streaming, such a good deal!). The beautiful Happy (Zooey Deschanel) lives with her larger-than-life-rides-in-a-car-laying-down-big-mouthed father (John Goodman) in a ridiculously beautiful white washed loft in Manhattan. Brian (Paul Dano) lives a rather duldrum life in Brooklyn, but makes a yearly birthday trip with hilariously stuck in the past father (Ed Asner) and older brothers in Vermont, where they hunt mushrooms on mushrooms and share a very French meal with a very French chef (Mel Brooks!). The two meet and begin a tentative romance, complicated by Brian's adopting a child.

Anyway, this A Little Bit Indie Rock Dress reminds me of Zooey Deschanel entirely. I actually wonder if it was designed with her in mind.
I can just see Zooey rocking this dress on stage at a She&Him concert. I could just see wearing this dress to a She&Him concert, followed by dinner at a fabulous spot in the city and drinks on a rooftop somewhere in Brooklyn! Wear it with heels, flats, sandals or boots for an all the time look. Match it with a slim cut denim jacket, and a sweet vintage looking purse. When you wear it channel that indie rock attitude, tilt your face to the sun, space out a bit and sing along to the mixed tape of She&Him, Rilo Kiley and Of Montreal you have playing in your head. Sounds like a lovely afternoon!

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  1. i LOVE Zooey!! I remember really wanting to see this movie but had forgotten it existed until now. Thank you!!

    ps.. (500) days of summer = <3

  2. Hey Lovely Girl!
    I recently watched 500 days of Summer and I have to say I like Gigantic more! But, I mean I love Zooey all the time!
    xx, Jenny
