The other night a long days journey landed me on the Bridgeport- Port Jefferson Ferry exhausted and feeling nauseous. I was not looking forward to the hour long trip on the sometimes choppy Long Island Sound which awaited me. But I was pleasantly surprised when my companion introduced me to 2 lovely girls, Josie and Anastasia, current seniors at my alma mater. Not only did the girls provide Advil, of which I am still thankful, but they happily chatted with me for the entire hour, they made me forget my tired eyes and my general malaise.
And beyond that, who could ask for more?! they provided inspiration--one of the girls, Anastasia, was wearing a fantastic travel outfit: black leggings, a black long sleeved shirt, boots and a truly beautiful cape style jacket. The look was effortless, chic and totally comfortable. And now I want a cape. Badly. Masked Cape-r, Countess of Pembroke Caplet, Cape Plaid-eras.
Black Cashmere blended Wool Hoodie Cape, Green Red Christmas Plaid Wool Tartan Hooded Long Cloak Cape, Cashmere Blended Wool Scarlet Red Hoodie Cape.